Hi Professor, thanks for sharing this thread.Actually, we have taken your speech into our consideration, in addition, we mixed it with the questions that we assumed the new students may interested in. Since the content of the speech is a little bit far away from the new students, I chose some related points.Finally, we picked out those points to discuss with you:
* 国软在国际化教育中的先进理念,您旅美 12 年中对于教育获得的启示,这种启示在国软教学中的体现;(a chance for the new student to understand their own school)
* 您眼中的人才,中国学生最应当具备的品质;(We think that most high school students have no view on this issue, and they are not accepted by the industry or the society)
* 中国的市场需要大学交付的人才类型,国软在这方面完成程度;(This point follows the previous one)
* 从优秀到卓越的成长;(We know this is a big point, you can add your own view to it. We consider our new students as good ones but they needed to be guided to become the excellent ones)
* 软件行业的机遇与挑战;(That's something related to our major, most of the new students don't have a understanding on it)
* 您对学生其他的个人建议。(Something big, such as life ^-^)